Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Here is our new bathroom mirror and Fauset I love it!Hayden and Valerie love to play together. Valerie loves her brother!

Here comes the Tooth Fairy

Madison was very excited to be losing a tooth! She wiggle and wiggled it for days. Here it is a week later it's hanging down, she thought she was so cool to be able to twist her tooth , I kept telling her if she didn't pull it out she was going to eat it, it was so loose. Well needless to say she pulled and pulled...And it came out, she was so happy! She said she wished the tooth fairy would bring her 100.00 dollars...I just scratched my head on that one. The tooth fairy brought her 4.00 instead...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Here is Aiden and Madison hanging out together.
Here we are, finally a family photo together.
Valerie and Kyle trying to play football, but Valerie wanted to keep the ball.
Val and Tab
Here are our friends Erin and her kids, they hung out with us for the fireworks, we had a good time together.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

1st Bn 4th of July party

Here are our good friends the Faye Fam!
Here are the kids on the Fire Truck at the party, Valerie did not want to get out of the stroller, she was tired.

Here is Madison doing was she does best. Looking beautiful!
Valerie and Daddy looking there best!

4th of July

We had a blast spending time with friends on the 4th!
This is Madison and Megan.
This is Kyle, Aiden and Hayden.
Here are the kiddos!
Here is Madison squeezing Valeries neck off...not really she is just hugging her a little tightly.